Ed Copley Writing Back Home cowgirl corral ranch farm western oil painting

Ed Copley biography:

Ed Copley’s education in art is extensive. He attended the Columbus College of Art & Design in Columbus, Ohio, and the Famous Artist School in Westport, Connecticut where he earned his Bachelor of  Fine Arts Degree.  Following these studies, he worked as a commercial illustrator for various advertising agencies and continued his career by becoming a highly–skilled restoration artist, meticulously restoring paintings on canvas, wood panels and oils on copper plates.

It was through restoring old master paintings that truly developed his depth of understanding the techniques used by the great artists of the past.  The knowledge that he gained over the past 50 years, has helped him to understand their methods which he now incorporates with his own creative ability.

With over 40 years of expert care and craftsmanship, Ed is a trusted Master Restorer who will guarantee satisfaction as he conserves the beauty of your original artwork. Whatever the artwork’s value, Ed treats each piece as if it were his own.  Ed has the knowledge and skills to copy and match any technique or period of time in order to duplicate the missing areas of a painting. Ed has given numerous lectures on restoration and old master techniques, he has written several books on this subject and a few “How to Books” along with “HOW TO DO COPPER PAINTINGS” Step by Step – from the 1400s to the 1600s.  When Ed’s not working in his studio, he devotes a portion of his time researching sites and events in order to create a scene.  A significant amount of time is devoted to finding the right models and clothing for the painting.

Being a master artist in realism art, and having his paintings hanging in permanent museum collections, Ed’s paintings will remain perpetually enchanting in the mind and heart of his collectors. There is no doubt that his paintings will earn their place in the contemporary history of art.

Available paintings:

Ed Copley Morning Reflections Native American woman female squaw tent western oil painting

“Morning Reflections”
Ed Copley
oil  42″ x 50″


Ed Copley Writing Back Home cowgirl corral ranch farm western oil painting

“Writing Back Home”
Ed Copley
oil  24″ x 36″


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