Mike Desatnick The Young Huntsman Native American Indian warrior Pendleton blanket western oil painting

Mike Desatnick biography:

A native of Hammond, Indiana, Mike Desatnick grew up in a housing project and started his career as a steelworker until his draft into the Vietnam War in the mid-60s. His interest in art started in his childhood, but it is not until 1967 that he had the opportunity to attend the American Academy of Art in Chicago, taking advantage of the GI Bill. He later returned to this institution as an instructor.

Mike’s subject matters are mostly Native American Indians and traditional ceremonies. Twice a finalist in the prestigious John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund, Mike Desatnick has exhibited at the Allied Artists Show in New York, and the Indianapolis Hoosier Salon, where he was awarded first place in the figures and portraits.

In 1983 and again in 2002, he participated in The Gene Autry Museum of Western Heritage show. His stature among his peers and art critics is demonstrated by his selection to show several of his paintings in “The China Experience”, a Western Art exhibit that traveled to Peking, China in 1981. One of his paintings was selected as an official poster for the China Exhibition.

Available painting:

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Mike Desatnick The Young Huntsman Native American Indian warrior Pendleton blanket western oil painting

“The Young Huntsman”
Mike Desatnick
oil  30″ x  20″

See additional information about “The Young Huntsman”.


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Biography courtesy of AskArt.com.

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