Chuck Middlekauff Cooling His Heels cowboy Coke Coca Cola gas pump come in we're open soda machine spurs western pop painting

“Cooling His Heels”

The “Cooling His Heels” painting was inspired by the combination of my love for the American Cowboy and the roadside culture of the West. On my many road trips across the American West, I have come to love the old run-down mom-and-pop cafes, diners, and gas stations. The new modern and large chain outfits just don’t appeal to me. They are numerous and convenient, but they just don’t have any charm to them. I made up this scenario of a cowboy kicking back and enjoying a Coke at one of these quaint roadside establishments. By just emphasizing his boots the viewer can imagine what the rest of him looks like.

I painted some of the objects that I have observed, taken pictures of, and love that have accumulated around these small businesses over the years.

Finally, I try to come up with interesting, clever, and fun titles to tie into the visuals of my paintings. For this one, I considered how I would handle a cowboy resting after a hard day’s work,  drinking a Coke, and watching the world go by on some lonely highway. Working with word associations: resting, relaxing, a hot day, tired feet, worn out from walking and riding, etc., I came up with,  “Cooling His Heels”.   Chuck Middlekauff


“Cooling His Heels”
Chuck Middlekauff
mixed media on canvas  48″ x 36″


(Click images to enlarge)

Chuck Middlekauff Cooling His Heels cowboy Coke Coca Cola gas pump come in we're open soda machine spurs western pop painting


Read additional information about
 Chuck Middlekauff.



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