Howard Terpning

“Change Of Command”

“Following the Civil War, the Sioux, along with their Cheyenne and Arapaho allies, struck at will against civilian and military targets all along the trails that led in and out of Fort Laramie. In 1865, the Powder River Expedition was sent to quell the violence but was routed in several engagements by superior forces that numbered as high as two thousand warriors.” Howard Terpning


“Change Of Command”
Howard Terpning
Oil   15″ x 9″    


(Click images to enlarge)

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting framed

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting cropped

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting signature

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting title plate

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting back of canvas details

Howard Terpning Change Of Command Native American horses American flag western oil painting back


Read additional information about Howard Terpning.


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