R.A. Dick Heichberger Crow Camp Native American Indian tipi tee pee mountains western landscape oil painting

R.A. “Dick” Heichberger biography:

Dick Heichberger was born in Eden, New York. While in elementary school, he attended an Andrew Wyeth exhibit at the Buffalo Museum of Fine Art, where he became interested in art. During his formative years, Heichberger developed his interest in the American Indian. He and his father hiked the eastern mountains in search of arrowheads and other artifacts of the Mohawk, Iroquois and Allegheny tribes that once had populated that area. After high school graduation, Heichberger attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and the Carnegie Technical Institute.

His art career was put on hold when he joined the Marine Corps in 1965. After receiving his discharge form the Corps, Heichberger settled in Orange County where he continued practicing his techniques while working full time. During this period he also attended and graduated from Santa Ana College with an associate degree in wildlife management. As a single parent, he imparted his love of the outdoors to his daughter.

Heichberger spent a number of years living and working in Big Bear, California. This area reminded him so much of the mountains of upstate New York. While pursuing his art career, he spent time teaching at a Junior college and working for Disney, Bear Animation, Warner Brothers, Landmark Entertainment and Fox.

For over two decades, Dick Heichberger has been able to devote his full time to developing his fin art paintings. His inspiration comes from the beauty of the landscapes and wildlife of the desert and canyons of Arizona and the mountains of California, Wyoming and Colorado. Dick has experienced the life he paints. In his work is found a unique harmony and a simplicity of subject matter. One is left with a feeling of peace and beauty.


Available painting:

R.A. Dick Heichberger Blackfoot Encampment Native American Indian tribe water lake river stream tipi tee pee landscape oil western painting

“Blackfoot Encampment”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  16″ x 12″

See additional information about “Blackfoot Encampment”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Deer Springs high mountain stream river brook Arizona landscape oil painting

“Deer Springs”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 16″

See additional information about “Deer Springs”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Winter Sun aspen trees snow stream river brook western oil landscape painting

“Winter Sun”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  16″ x 12″

See additional information about “Winter Sun”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Spring Meadow high mountain stream river brook Arizona landscape oil painting

“Spring Meadow”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 16″

See additional information about “Spring Meadow”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Aspen Sun Arizona high mountain landscape oil painting

“Aspen Sun”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  16″ x 12″

See additional information about “Aspen Sun”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Late December Sun sunset trees snow stream river brook western oil landscape painting

“Late December Sun”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 16″

See additional information about “Late December Sun”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Last Light tipi tee pee Native American Indian settlement encampment landscape western oil painting

“Last Light”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  6″ x 12″

See additional information about “Last Light”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Beaver Valley Payson Arizona home house ranch landscape oil painting

“Beaver Valley”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  9″ x 12″

See additional information about “Beaver Valley”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Late Summer trees high mountain Arizona landscape oil painting

“Late Summer”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  16″ x 12″

See additional information about “Late Summer”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Crow Camp Native American Indian tipi tee pee mountains western landscape oil painting

“Crow Camp”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  20″ x 24″

See additional information about “Crow Camp”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Winter Run snow creek river stream brook western landscape oil painting Arizona

“Winter Run”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 9″

See additional information about “Winter Run”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Stoney Run water stream river waterway high mountain landscape oil painting

“Stoney Run”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  10″ x 10″

See additional information about “Stoney Run”.


R.A. Heichberger Elk Camp tipi tee pee Native American Indian landscape oil painting

“Elk Camp”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  20″ x 30″

See additional information about “Elk Camp”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Winter Shadows aspen trees snow stream river brook western oil landscape painting

“Winter Shadows”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 12″

See additional information about “Winter Shadows”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Morning Light moose wildlife oil painting landscape

“Morning Light”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 24″

See additional information about “Morning Light”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Winter Sycamore stream river water landscape oil painting

“Winter Sycamore”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 12″

See additional information about “Winter Sycamore”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Shady Side Cottonwood Aspen trees Northern Arizona landscape oil painting

“Shady Side”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  16″ x 12″

See additional information about “Shady Side”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Spring Comes To The Verde trees stream river brook western landscape oil painting Arizona

“Spring Comes To The Verde”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 16″

See additional information about “Spring Comes To The Verde”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Evening Glow tipi tee pee Native American Indian settlement encampment landscape western painting

“Evening Glow”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  8″ x 12″

See additional information about “Evening Glow”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Late Sun sunset trees glowing sky western oil landscape painting

“Late Sun”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 12″

See additional information about “Late Sun”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger Sun Spots aspen trees western landscape oil painting Arizona sold

“Sun Spots”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  12″ x 8″


R.A. Dick Heichberger Verde Flow aspen trees snow stream river brook western oil landscape painting

“Verde Flow”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  8″ x 6″

See additional information about “Verde Flow”.


R.A. Dick Heichberger High Mountain Lake water trees pine western landscape oil painting sold

“High Mountain Lake”
R.A. Heichberger
oil  8″ x 12″




Biography courtesy of AskArt.com.

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