Ed Fraughton Age With Honor bronze sculpture Native American Indian elder chief warrior western figure man

Ed Fraughton biography:

From Utah, Edward Fraughton is a sculptor in stone and bronze of western and history subjects, many of them commemorative and in public locations.  Some of his major works include the Mormon Battalion Monument, Sons of Utah Pioneers at the Presidio Park in Old Town San Diego; the All is Well Family Monument in the Brigham Young Cemetery in Salt Lake City; and the Spirit of Wyoming monument on the grounds of the state capitol building in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  A major interest is cowboys and horses, especially cowboys on running horses.  Fraughton once said: “The cowboy comes closest to being a Greek centaur, man and horse working together almost as one body.”

Fraughton was born in Salt Lake City, and earned a BFA degree in 1962 from the University of Utah where his art teachers were Avard Fairbanks and Justin Fairbanks, with whom he studied four years.  In 1968, the Mormon Battalion Monument was his first major commission.

As a ten-year old youngster, he was tickled when he received first place for crayon art in a fourth grade competition whose theme was “America the Beautiful”, sponsored by the Milton Bradley Company.

Fraughton is a member of the National Sculpture Society, a founding member of the National Academy of Western Art, and a 1973 and 1975 gold medal winner at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame.  He has exhibited his sculpture at the Gilcrease Museum and the Northwest Rendezvous Group.

Available sculpture:

Ed Fraughton Study Time figure figurative man woman boy girl guitar musical instrument books bible bronze sculpture

“Study Time”
Ed Fraughton
bronze #6/25
16″ H x 17″ W x 13″ D

See additional information about “Too Close For Comfort”.


Ed Fraughton Age With Honor bronze sculpture Native American Indian elder chief warrior western figure man sold

“Age With Honor”
Ed Fraughton
bronze #25/30
12″ H x 11″ W x 8″ D



Do you have an Ed Fraughton scultpure you would like to sell? We have clients interested in adding his artwork to their collections. Call us 602-730-2451 or email us sales@artzline.com.


2004  People’s Choice Award, Prix de West, “Home is Where the Heart Is”
1993 Gold Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “The Candidate”
1992 Silver Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “The Taste of Honey”
1987 Gold Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “…One Nation…”
1985 “Greenwhich Workshop Award,” Museum of the Rockies
1984 “Experience the West Award,” Museum of the Rockies
1983 “Honors in the Arts Award,” Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
1981 “The Tallix Foundry Prize” National Sculpture Society, “Spirit of Man”
1981 “Artist of the West,” San Dimas Festival of Western Arts.
1980 “Outstanding Utah Artist Award,” Snowbird Institute
1979 “Lance International Prize,” National Sculpture Society, “Waterlilies”
1979 “Ellin P. Speyer Prize,” National Academy of Design, “The Last Arrow”
1977 Gold Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “Anasazi”
1975 Gold Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “The Last Farewell”
1973 Gold Medal, National Academy of Western Art, “Where Trails End”
1949 1st Place, Milton Bradley “America the Beautiful” Crayon Art Competition (Utah)


“John Wayne,” National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
“Finding the Way,” Salt Lake City, Utah
“Jason Rendell” Portrait, Boston, Massachusetts
“Gandy Dancer,” 
Union Station Museum, Ogden, Utah
“Bitter Strength” Union Station Museum, Ogden, Utah
“The Iron Lady” Portrait of Margaret Thatcher, International Gardens, Salt Lake City, Utah
“Clearing the Haul-way,” 
Rock Springs, Wyoming 
“The Cadet,”
 Randolph-Macon Academy Front Royal, Virginia
“Monument to Education,” Ricks College Rexburg, Idaho
“Spirit of Wyoming,” State Capitol, Cheyenne Wyoming
“Truman Angell, Architect,” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah
“Thomas E. Ricks,” Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho
“Winter Quarters.” Florence, Nebraska
“All is Well,” “Songbook/Eliza Snow, William Clayton,” and “Brigham Young” Monuments,” Brigham Young Cemetery, SLC, Utah
“Mormon Battalion Monument,” Presidio Park, San Diago, California



Biography courtesy of AskArt.com.

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