Gordon Snidow Sure Enough A Good Hand gouache watercolor western painting cowboy vaquero

Gordon Snidow biography:

Gordon Snidow has been known as the foremost chronicler of the contemporary cowboy for more than 40 years. He is a leader in the development of the American Western Art movement, and is one of America’s outstanding fine artists.”The west, like all places, is a continuum of space and time; it is alive and vibrant in today’s guise – and as Snidow paints it – as it was when George Catlin, Charles M. Russell, Frederic Remington, and their successors through the years painted it.

Snidow is a historian who records his time in pictures, rather than words, and as Russell and other in-their time “contemporary” chroniclers of the West are seen today as painters of the “Historic West”, so Snidow will be seen in the future. There are no guarantees for the future of the cowboy in the late 20th century, and his western world is for his past.

Snidow is also recording other aspects of his time. Those include his American woman series, the homeless, wildlife, and one specific work recognizable anywhere in the country today – an adobe wall covered with graffiti. All parts of his view of the “whole fabric” of the modern West. He paints it not as he would like it to be, but the way it is – warts and all.

Snidow graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in 1959 from the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. He is a charter member of the Cowboy Artists of America. When he retired after 25 years to become an emeritus member, he had won 27 Gold and Silver Medals, including three for Best of Show.

His work can be seen in the permanent collections of the Gilcrease Museum, the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, the Phoenix Art Museum, and the Cowboy Artists of America Museum.

In 1998, he created the cover for recording star Michael Martin Murphey’s CD release, Cowboy Songs IV. In September 1998, he was awarded the New Mexico Governor’s Award for Excellence In The Arts. In December 1999, he was among 12 artists chosen by Art of the West for “Compelling work that will be remembered 100 years from now.”

Snidow is the creator of the famous “Coors Cowboy Collector Series.” His work has received international critical acclaim with shows in France, China, Taiwan, Russia, England, Germany, and Canada. He also has been the subject of two books and a British documentary film.


Available painting:

Gordon Snidow Down Time cowboy resting laying in grass saddle horse western gouache oil painting

“Down Time”
Gordon Snidow
gouache  11″ x 15″
Contact for details


Gordon Snidow Sure Enough A Good Hand gouache watercolor western painting cowboy vaquero sold

“Sure Enough A Good Hand”
Gordon Snidow
gouache  34″ x 20″


Do you have a Gordon Snidow painting you would like to sell? We have clients interested in adding his artwork to their collections. Call us 602-730-2451 or email us sales@artzline.com.




Biography courtesy of AskArt.com.

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