Robert Lemler Reclining Nude figure figurative naked woman female body oil painting

Robert Lemler biography:

Robert Lemler is a respected and dedicated artist and teacher educated at Northern Arizona University. His award winning paintings have been exhibited in fine art galleries throughout the country and are included in numerous corporate and private collections. Robert’s many honors include Gold Medals at the national exhibitions for Oil Painters of America and Pastel Society of America. In 1996, Robert won the prestigious Grumbacher Hall of Fame Award. More recently, Robert was named the grand prize winner in the Fifth Annual Ray Mar Art Contest and has been a three time “Best Of Show” winner of the Boldbrush Competition. 2012 was marked by election to membership in the Northwest Rendezvous Group and in 2014, Robert was named as a signature member of the Plein Air Painters of America.  Lemler’s work has been exhibited with distinction at such venues as the Pastel Society of America, Laguna Plein Air Invitational, Maui Plein Air Invitational, Maynard Dixon Country Invitational, Coors Western Art Sale and Exhibit, American Masters Exhibition and at the annual Northwest Rendezvous Group’s show. For more than two decades he has taught painting and drawing classes in oil, pastel and charcoal.


Available painting:

Robert Lemler Reclining Nude figure figurative naked woman female body oil painting

“Reclining Figure”
Robert Lemler
Oil   8″ x 17″

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