Loren Entz Faithful Standbys horse dog western landscape oil painting


“A typical scene on any ranch… the hobbled horses and dogs faithfully waiting for their masters, ready and willing to go to work. The viewer becomes personally involved by the dog watching and waiting for you. The eye follows the line of boulders to the cliff up the cliff edge, to the weathered old tree, then against the billowing cloud is the eagle, representing the freedom to come and go as he chooses. The direct opposite of the faithful standbys below.”   Loren Entz


“Faithful Standbys”
Loren Entz
Oil   40″ x 32″

(Click image to enlarge)

Loren Entz Faithful Standbys horse dog western landscape oil painting framed


This painting was exhibited in “The Fifty Year Round-Up, Cowboy Artists of America 50th Anniversary Year” at the Sedona Art Center, Sedona, Arizona – July 18 through August 2, 2015.


Read additional information about
 Loren Entz.



Interested in this painting, call us 602-730-2451 or email us sales@artzline.com.


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