Darcie Peet Just Picked Just Planted flowers floral still life oil painting


“When this Arizona gardener first moved to the state, and after unsuccessfully trying petunias for patio pots given their apparent attraction as a delicacy for rabbits, a local nursery specialist recommended geraniums as a simple, colorful alternative.  Supposedly they are not high on a rabbit’s top-favorite list.  Sure enough, problem solved, and there have been untouched geraniums ever since.  Here bold magenta blooms and a newly planted, smaller geranium are joined by a ruby red grapefruit just picked and ready to be savored.”   Darcie Peet


“Just Picked. Just Planted”
Darcie Peet
Oil  16″ x 16″


(Click images to enlarge)

Darcie Peet Just Picked Just Planted flowers floral still life oil painting




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