Claudio D'Angelo High Country Traverse elk mountain wildlife oil painting


“When I came upon this piece of landscape some years ago, I was sure that I’d be using it in a painting before too long. Surprisingly, it still took some time before I could figure out what exactly I wanted to do with it. On several occasions I tried to introduce a grizzly bear into the scene but was never quite satisfied with the results. Then I came across a photo I took of a young bull elk, crossing a scree slope on my first trip to the Rockies in the late 70’s. After some quick sketches, I established that the picture would feature a pair of mature bulls, bulls that would forcibly be driven apart in the coming days by the impending rutting season.”   Claudio D’Angelo



“High Country Traverse”
Claudio D’Angelo
Oil   18″ x 24″

(Click image to enlarge)

Claudio D'Angelo High Country Traverse elk mountain wildlife oil painting framed


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Claudio D’Angelo.



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